Helbestan Penaberan – Refugee Poetry – Flüchtlingslyrik (, 2016)

, , 4 min , , ,

EN: The Kurdish Iraqi poet and actor Zeravan Khalil travels with his dog through an Alpine gorge after fleeing from IS war and genocide. As he remembers the abomination, he writes a poem with the title “You drive me mad” in Kurmanji Kurdish. In his home country, Yazidic Kurds are forbidden to wo… Full summary

EN: The Kurdish Iraqi poet and actor Zeravan Khalil travels with his dog through an Alpine gorge after fleeing from IS war and genocide. As he remembers the abomination, he writes a poem with the title “You drive me mad” in Kurmanji Kurdish. In his home country, Yazidic Kurds are forbidden to work in his profession. Then he eats his apple and wanders through Europe’s middle with more hope.

DE: Der aus dem IS Krieg und Genozid geflüchtete irakische Poet und Schauspieler Zeravan Khalil reist mit seiner Hündin durch eine Alpenschlucht. Als er sich an die Gräuel erinnert, schreibt er ein Gedicht mit dem Titel „Du machst mich verrückt“ auf Kurmandschi. In seiner Heimat hatte er als jesidischer Kurde Arbeitsverbot. Dann verzehrt er seinen Apfel und wandert hoffnungsvoll durch Europas Mitte.

  • Director: Dave Lojek
  • Writer: Dave Lojek, Zeravan Khalil
  • Cast & Crew: Alexander Khromov, Dave Lojek, Haidar Zeki, Patrick Düren, Xamgin, Zeravan Khalil
  • Cast & Crew: Alexander Khromov, Dave Lojek, Haidar Zeki, Patrick Düren, Xamgin, Zeravan Khalil

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