Doctor Who Anime (UK 2011)
Animation, Fan Film, Science Fiction 13 min English, Japanese
Fanmade Doctor Who anime with superb animation featuring great fighting sequences between the Doctor, his sexy companion, the Cybermen and the Daleks.
Fanmade Doctor Who anime with superb animation featuring great fighting sequences between the Doctor, his sexy companion, the Cybermen and the Daleks.
- Director: Paul Johnson
- Cast & Crew: Antohny Ainley, David Banks, Gabriel Woolf, Jon Pertwee, Mikiya Takimoto, Nicholas Courtney, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Antohny Ainley, Ben Wood, David Banks, Gabriel Woolf, Jon Pertwee, Mikiya Takimoto, Nicholas Courtney, Paul Johnson, Phillip Sacramento, Roger Delgado, Roy Skelton, Sachika Souno, Terry Molloy, Yuri Geen