Flankers (Canada 2015)
On the eve of a storm in rural Newfoundland, feuding fishermen are forced to set their conflicts aside when an emergency arises.
On the eve of a storm in rural Newfoundland, feuding fishermen are forced to set their conflicts aside when an emergency arises.
- Director: Justin Oakey
- Writer: Justin Oakey
- Cast & Crew: Adam Reynolds, Andrea Bolzonello, Bryan Bray, Colin Harris, Darren Ivany, Drake Conrad, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Adam Reynolds, Amanda Row, Andrea Bolzonello, Bryan Bray, Colin Harris, Darren Ivany, Drake Conrad, Ed Royal, Glenn Redmond, Herb Gibbons, James Klopko, James Vandewater, Jason Andrews, Joel Thomas Hynes, Joshua White, Justin Oakey, Lawrence Barry, Lisa Machin, Matthew Thomson, Michael Pierro, Mike Daly, Monica Walsh, Nicholas Baker, Phil St. Aubin, Ryan Van Steenburgh, Stephen Jefford, Ted Layman