Haleema (, 2013)

18 min ,

Blistering heat in the desert of Sudan. A pregnant mother and her two young children are on the search for water and safety from the ruthless Janjaweed militia. When the brother is too weak to continue, Haleema is sent by her mother to find water. A dangerous journey full of hope and despair begins.… Full summary

Blistering heat in the desert of Sudan. A pregnant mother and her two young children are on the search for water and safety from the ruthless Janjaweed militia. When the brother is too weak to continue, Haleema is sent by her mother to find water. A dangerous journey full of hope and despair begins.

  • Director: Boris Schaarschmidt
  • Writer: Boris Schaarschmidt
  • Cast & Crew: "Haleema" Orchestra, Adrian Ranieri Mark Rosin, Aiko Fukushima, Alexandria "Beans" Chin, Ali Moghadas, Ali Sadeghpoor Moghadas, … Full cast & crew
  • Cast & Crew: "Haleema" Orchestra, A-List Animals, Adrian Ranieri Mark Rosin, Aiko Fukushima, Alexandria "Beans" Chin, Ali Moghadas, Ali Sadeghpoor Moghadas, Alison Smith, Annette Rupp, Anthony Doto, Armin Matalqa Claire Naber Matalqa, Avon Rent-A-Truck, Benjamin Chan, Benjamin D. Goldberg, Benjamin Drake, Bergatron Music & Post, Big Sky Movie Ranch, Boris Schaarschmidt, Brandi Kalish, Brian Starley, Brittney Ruiz, Bryan Perry, Bryant Clifford Meyer, Cait McWhir, Carmen Torres, Casey Eller, Catherine Elhoffer, Cody Smith, Cruz Garcia, Cynthia Rosin, Dan Petzold, Dani Dare, Daniel Dreifuss, Dara Iruka, Darrin Nin, Dennis Noyes, Edward Filian, El Monte RV Studio Rentals, Elija C. Emuge, Emtithal Mahmoud, Eric, Euripides "Willie" Nunez, Evgeny Tonkha, Fanny Daubigney, Fareed C. Majari, Fernando Severin, Fiesta Mediterranean Restaurants, Film und Medien Stiftung NRW, Gottfried Baumann, Greg Curtis, Hai Nguyen, Heavy B Productions, Helene Werner, Ivo Horvat, Jason Creal, Jason Walker, Jeff Morris, Jeff Nolde, Jennifer Christopher, Johanna A. Cerati, John Christopher Hunt, Johnny Gearhart, JP Meyer, Julia Franklin, Katharina Leduc, Kelly Dorsey, Kellyco, Khansaa Salia, Kimberley Andrews, Larry Thigpen, Laura Harper, Leif Lindhjem, Luis Del Rey, Marco Ramirez, Marcus Sjöwall, Margit Kleinman, Mark Robertson, Marylou Kanyuck, Michael Delgado, Michael Shubin, Michael Steeger, Michaela Ullmann, Misereor, Mohamed Yaya, Morgan Bateman, Nedda Elhaija, Nick Martin, Nicole Schmaltz, Niki Onuaguluchi, Patrick Kirst, Peres Owino, Phil Henderson, Photon Films, Priestley, PWC Düsseldorf, Rachelle Balinas Smith, Rana Saba-Hekman, Rita Ullmann, Rob Kraetsch, Robert Felsted Jr., Robert Smith, Rock The Gang Caterer, Ruben Murrieta, Safa Mashhadani, Samba Schutte, Scout, Screen Actors Guild, Southern Sudanese Community, Stefan Kloo, Stella Pacific, Surreal Sound Studios, Susan Peik, Sylvia Mogel, Taylor Chen, Teddy Short, The Bridge Recording, The Goethe-Institut Los Angeles, Theodor Braun, Thierry Leduc, Tim Starnes, Water in Motion

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