Neighbors (USA 2014)
Brad’s neighbor may be more than just unfriendly, he may be hiding a terrible secret. When Brad starts to put together the clues to a mystery he discovers that some things are best left behind closed doors.
Brad’s neighbor may be more than just unfriendly, he may be hiding a terrible secret. When Brad starts to put together the clues to a mystery he discovers that some things are best left behind closed doors.
- Director: Brandon Boudreaux
- Writer: Brandon Boudreaux
- Cast & Crew: Alex Kaljian, Alexander Steward, Aniello Bianco, Bain Boureaux, Baldwin Tang, Best Market, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Alex Kaljian, Alex Pecor, Alexander Steward, Aniello Bianco, Bain Boureaux, Baldwin Tang, Best Market, Brandon Bouredaux, Brittany Bell Spencer, C&C Rentals, Caitlin Johnston, Carter Unger, Castle Gosselin, Darren Henshaw, Dave Stewart, David MacRae, Deborah Greene, Dene Lenard, Dora Boudreaux, Elefant Films, Eric Dozier, Erick Dozier, Eve Bianco, Ezra McNally, Feim Smajli, Film Emporium Inc., Great City Productions, Greg Mailoux, Jay Culliton, John Henry Soto, Jordan Hall, Justin Fredius, Karen McKibben, Kasimira Steward, Katie Moore, Kyros Realty Group, Lilie Boudreaux, Lynn Tiews, Macarena Carrizasa, Megan Jolly, Moria Holland, MTV On-Air Promos, New York Conservatory, Nick Galanate, No Name Brand Films, Noah Jackson, Pamela Cardenas, Pascal Yen-Pfister, Ray Frech, Rose Seyfried, Sheshe’s Pizza, Solstice Residential Group, Sounchek Studios, Stephen Francheck, Steven Conroy, The Lenox Condominium, The Livmor Apartments