The Gift (USA 2017)
A boy never opens a birthday gift from his parents. 15 years later, a series of events brings him back home to reveal the true meaning of the forgotten present.
A boy never opens a birthday gift from his parents. 15 years later, a series of events brings him back home to reveal the true meaning of the forgotten present.
- Director: Jonathan P. Rorech
- Writer: Jonathan P. Rorech, Serghei Trofimov
- Cast & Crew: Aaron O'Brien, Alex Moore, Allen Andrews, Blue Mango Works, Brinkley Moore, Brit Meli, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Aaron O'Brien, Al Patrick, Alex Moore, Allen Andrews, Blue Mango Works, Brinkley Moore, Brit Meli, Cass Tyler, Classic Connections, Corina Pogodina, David Chambers, Joey Bryan, Kathy Schlau, Lee Darnell, Leon Brown, Sasha Valdman, Victoria Respass, Yssouf Sanogo