The Night Before Christmas (USA 2012)
On the night before Christmas, a man will commit a desperate act. A tale about morality and the holiday season, by Slamdance alumni director DC Kasundra and cinematographer Tom Krymkowski, with an original composition of “Carol of the Bells” by Gene Hodsdon. This film challenges our noti… Full summary
On the night before Christmas, a man will commit a desperate act. A tale about morality and the holiday season, by Slamdance alumni director DC Kasundra and cinematographer Tom Krymkowski, with an original composition of “Carol of the Bells” by Gene Hodsdon.
This film challenges our notions of right and wrong. Is it always so cut and dry, black and white? Or are there gray areas that are harder to define?
- Director: D.C. Kasundra
- Cast & Crew: Adam Vaughan, Chrissy Dodson, Christine Pacifico, Christine Sugrue, Dave Cowl, Douglas Kreitz, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Adam Vaughan, Alicia Mock, Chrissy Dodson, Christine Pacifico, Christine Sugrue, Dave Cowl, Douglas Kreitz, Edmondo Tinetti, Emily Gaza, Forrest Phillips, Gene Hodsdon, George Schminky, Gerrit Thompson, Hilder Mock, Jessica Yen, John Tranchitella, Kevin Wong, Kristin Largent, Marty Roth, Patrick Van Wye, Sara Bennett, Shawn Lewis, Stan Ng, Susannah Vaughan, Tom Krymkowski, Van Dyke Roth, Veronica Craven, Walt Wyckoff, Wes Fisher