The One Time Thing ( 2016)

14 min

A Good Samaritan has a fling with a young woman after jumping her car on a cold day. What he doesn’t know is that she lives with her boxer boyfriend who just left training early in a bad mood.

A Good Samaritan has a fling with a young woman after jumping her car on a cold day. What he doesn’t know is that she lives with her boxer boyfriend who just left training early in a bad mood.

  • Director: Steven D'Elia
  • Writer: Steven D'Elia
  • Cast & Crew: Charles Allen Brownley III, Emily Hooper, Gabriel Molton, Jay Levi, Joe Zabry, Jon Martin, … Full cast & crew
  • Cast & Crew: Charles Allen Brownley III, Dan Wang, Emily Hooper, Gabriel Molton, Jay Levi, Joe Zabry, Jon Martin, Kevin Martin, Michael D'Elia, Steven D'Elia, Tim Russell, Tony D. Head

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