Unconcealment VI / Mehmet Aksoy (Turkey 2017)
Documentary, Experimental 6 min Universal
Unconcealment VI is a short film about the calling of Mehmet Aksoy, filmed in his studio. Unconcealment VI is an attempt to see through the eyes of the artist and his mood in the moment of his artistic calling. Mehmet Aksoy is renowned also for the spiritual themes and content of his artworks, reflecting his individual sculptural imagination and metaphorical expressiveness. His works are mainly inspired by the world of shamanic rituals, spirits, mythology and nature. His main materials are stone and metal although in describing his work he states: “we are not carving stone, we care carving light”. His work play with light, which interacts harmoniously with the sculptures to express shapes and forms.
- Director: Balamir Nazlica
- Writer: Balamir Nazlica
- Cast & Crew: Mehmet Aksoy
- Cast & Crew: Mehmet Aksoy