Uncovering Eden (USA 2014)
Bullies pressure 16-year-old Edie to choose between her crush and her Jewish identity, but there is a cost that Edie does not anticipate and cannot undo.
Uncovering Eden is a short film written and directed by first-time filmmaker Chelsea Lupkin.
The film is about 16-year-old Edie who lives with her grandmother – a woman who tries to instill moral values and life lessons using her Jewish heritage. However, Edie finds her grandmother’s words constricting and tries to separate herself from what she thinks is the problem: her Jewish faith.
At school, Edie wants to fit in with the popular crowd, particularly because of a boy named Darren whom she has feelings for. But Darren and his friends, June and Chad are not the most tolerable of people and their prejudices toward others not like themselves; drive Edie in a downward spiral.
As Edie struggles to find her way through adolescence, faith, and her first love, she learns that her actions have consequences and perhaps the steep slope she has chosen to go down will risk more than she ever thought possible.
- Director: Chelsea Lupkin
- Writer: Chelsea Lupkin
- Cast & Crew: Chad April Woodall, Chelsea Lupkin, Darren Julia Sismour, Edie Marrick Smith, Erik Kristiansen, Jesse Soracco, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Chad April Woodall, Chaz Boyd, Chelsea Lupkin, Darren Julia Sismour, Edie Marrick Smith, Erik Kristiansen, Jesse Soracco, June David Laws, Kevin Johnsrud, Lane Banning, Michael Russo, Ryan Hansen, Toro Adeyemi, Victoria Pedretti, Writer Jason Krangel