Born Again (USA 2016)
When a group of bumbling Satanists has their summoning ceremony go terribly right, they’re left to face the decidedly holy shit consequences.
When a group of bumbling Satanists has their summoning ceremony go terribly right, they’re left to face the decidedly holy shit consequences.
- Director: Jason Tostevin
- Writer: Jason Tostevin, Randall Greenland
- Cast & Crew: Ashley Shilling, Brant Jones, Brian Spangler, Christy Tostevin, Elizabeth McPherson, Hands Off Productions, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Ashley Shilling, Beth Chasser, Brant Jones, Brian Spangler, Christy Tostevin, Elizabeth McPherson, Hands Off Productions, Jason Tostevin, Jaysen P. Buterin, Jenni Schwartz, Jordan Fehr, Kase Donaldson, Ken Shupe, Mike McNeese, Randall Greenland, Robert Grimm, Shane Howard, Suzanne Camilli, Tiffany Arnold, Torin Scott