Crystal (USA 2014)
Crystal is 17 with a bad attitude. She’s seen every Britney Spears video 100 times and knows the dances by heart. Unfortunately her small town life lacks the sparkle of a music video and her only escape is the dance-filled dreamscape in her head. When one of these reality-dips results in disaster … Full summary
Crystal is 17 with a bad attitude. She’s seen every Britney Spears video 100 times and knows the dances by heart. Unfortunately her small town life lacks the sparkle of a music video and her only escape is the dance-filled dreamscape in her head. When one of these reality-dips results in disaster on the job, she is fired and heads out of town on foot – curses and dances abounding. After a run-in with local mean girls, she accepts a ride from an average Matt whose intentions remain unclear to our heroine. Crystal keeps her hard exterior up and as their journey takes a turn from light-hearted to less so, the real and surreal worlds blend together in a way she is ill-equipped to handle.
- Director: Chell Stephen
- Writer: Chell Stephen
- Cast & Crew: Alice Tang, Chi Pilon, Elijah Ocean, Gregg Conde, human, Kate Stephen, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Alice Tang, Bryan Parker, Chi Pilon, Elijah Ocean, Gregg Conde, human, Kate Stephen, Lars Classington, Melissa Hazel, Mike Jurasits, Sam Winter, Sandi Globerman