HENRi (USA 2012)
Animation, Drama, Science Fiction 20 min English
HENRi is an epic science fiction short film starring Keir Dullea (2001: A Space Odyssey) and Margot Kidder (Superman). Hundreds of years in the future, a derelict spaceship – controlled and powered by a human brain – floats aimlessly in the outer reaches of space. Trapped in the cold metal prison of the vessel, the brain begins to experience disjointed images of its former life – images it cannot understand. Becoming increasingly self-aware, and yet unable to move, the brain devises a plan to build itself a mechanical body from parts of the ship. Maybe then it will understand the images it is seeing. Maybe then it will feel alive.
- Director: Eli Sasich
- Writer: Eli Sasich
- Cast & Crew: Alex Lee, Bruce Rabinowitz, Catrine McGregor, Chad Jeffrey Russey, Chris Wells, Clark Schaffer, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Alex Lee, Brian Wright, Bruce Rabinowitz, Catrine McGregor, Chad Jeffrey Russey, Chris Wells, Clark Schaffer, Claude Bidal, Corridor Productions, Craig Sellars, Dan Raine, David Schatanoff Jr., Dominic Fratto, Don R. Thomson, Doug Roos, Eli Sasich, Emperial Young, Gary Greco, Izak Rappaport, Jarom Brand, Jason Poh, Jefferson Richard, Jeffrey Gold, Jeffrey J. Ellen, Joe Vitale Jr., Jonathan Hallett, Karla Shelton, Keir Dullea, Kevin Riepl, Kris Gillespie, Margot Kidder, Matt Hoffman, Michael Becker, Nate Hoffman, Nathan Aaron, Peder Norrby, Phil Ferriere, Q. Bryce Randle, Randy Cooper, Rob Field, Robert Bowling, Steven Schlotterbeck, Thomas Pringle, Tim Angulo, Zoe Reheem