Prism (USA 2015)
Science Fiction 15 min English
Dan Warner is a desaturator, tasked with sapping beauty from the world in a future where Color is used as energy. When his superiors suspect that he may secretly be hoarding color in order to support his “unhealthy” passion for drawing, Dan is reassigned to the outer precincts where he is faced with a decision that will decide the course of his future.
- Director: Jackson Miller
- Writer: Chris Purse, David Reynolds, Jackson Miller, Matt Rebong
- Cast & Crew: Adam Kostylo, Amy McBeth, Andrew Evers, Chase Cargill, Chris Purse, Dan Weale, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Adam Kostylo, Adam McClaughry, Amy McBeth, Andrew Evers, Chase Cargill, Chris Purse, Dan Weale, Daniel Gillette, David Reynolds, Gary Sturm, Gerry Vazquez, Grayce Larson, Guerin Piercy, Hannah McDonald, Harrison Hudson, Heston Horwin, Jacob Perry, Jay Brothers, Jeremy Lee Evans, John Eddings, Luis Chavez, Matthew Rebong, Nadya Panfilov, Olivia James, Phil Englert, Rachel Hemsley, Rita Powers, Robert Mai, Scott Stedman, Sean Colby, Seth Josephson, Skyler Stearns, Sten Olson, Tom Taugher