Sausage ( 2013)

, , 6 min

The idyllic world of two artisan stallholders is invaded by a devious fast-food vendor. The ferocious turf war that follows provokes life changing events resulting in one delicious discovery!

The idyllic world of two artisan stallholders is invaded by a devious fast-food vendor. The ferocious turf war that follows provokes life changing events resulting in one delicious discovery!

  • Director: Robert Grieves
  • Writer: Robert Grieves, Simon Williams
  • Cast & Crew: Dan Radclyffe, Leaf Troup, Mario Bordbar, Paul Worsley, Peter Morfoot, Steve Moles
  • Cast & Crew: Dan Radclyffe, Leaf Troup, Mario Bordbar, Paul Worsley, Peter Morfoot, Steve Moles

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