The Sedate Escape ( 2016)

, 6 min ,

Comradeship, adventure and a nice cup of tea. Two heroes attempt the greatest escape since Colditz in this stop motion animated light comedy.

Comradeship, adventure and a nice cup of tea. Two heroes attempt the greatest escape since Colditz in this stop motion animated light comedy.

  • Director: Joe Dearman
  • Writer: Joe Dearman
  • Cast & Crew: Ambrose Cherry-Bellington, Dearman Films, Dot Gumbi, Herbert Chesterton, Jack Hawkes-Dighton, Joe Dearman, … Full cast & crew
  • Cast & Crew: Ambrose Cherry-Bellington, Becky Dearman, Dearman Films, Dot Gumbi, Herbert Chesterton, Jack Hawkes-Dighton, Joe Dearman, Marie Dearman, Paul Mottram, Ray Davies, Rena Crossley, Rob Crossley, Sam Dearman, Susy Hawkey-Dighton, Tim Garland

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