This Is Normal (USA 2013)
Drama 20 min English, English (sub)
This Is Normal is about a young Deaf woman named Gwen who undergoes an experimental medical procedure that is supposed to ‘cure’ her of her deafness and give her the ability to hear. Despite the controversy, Gwen risks her friends, culture, and identity to discover the answer to the question, ‘Is it worth giving up who you’ve been for the ‘maybe’ you could become?’
- Director: Justin Giddings, Ryan Welsh
- Writer: Justin Giddings, Ryan Welsh
- Cast & Crew: Adam Jacob Ranski, Alexander Sablow, Alyson de Guigné, Amy Lyndon, Andrew Garrettson, Betty Jo Welsh, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Adam Jacob Ranski, Adam Vaughn, Alexander Sablow, Alyson de Guigné, Amy Lyndon, Andrew Garrettson, Betty Jo Welsh, Blake Engel, Christina Sedlacek, Christopher Abram, Cindi Rice, Cliff Nunley, Crystal Riggs, Dan Czerwonka, Dan Davidson, Danae Crozat, Dani Maslaney, Diana Tudela, Drew Valenti, Elizabeth Ho, Eric Androvich, Errol Sabinano, Fabien Luszezysyzn, Gail Turner, Giorgio Kemp, Grace Preller Chambers, Greg Platt, Hans Thomas, Hashim Cooper, Heather Turell, Ira Heinichen, James Robinson, Jamie Elvey, Jarrett Lee Conaway, Jasun Hicks, Jean Hart, Jeramy Blackford, Jessie Pariseau, John Frank Rosenblum, John Quintus, John Shartzer, Jonathan Dillon, Joseph Valdez, Julie Kim, Justin Cowden, Justin Prymowicz, Keith Johnson, Kennedy Cooper, Keshava Betts, Kevin Marshall, Kylee Wofford, Lexi Marman, Luke Lagraff, Lynn Thomas, Matt D. Reyes, Melody Michalski, Michael Anthony Spady, Mikhail Roberts, Molly Burnett, Nova Bennett, Paige Barnett, Pamela Lemerand, Paul Redel, Pedro Otero, Perry Thomas, Pierre Debs, Randy Garcia, Ron Nelson, Russell Harvard, Ryann Turner, Scott C. Kolden, Sean Giddings, Tyler Milligan, Victor Randolph, William A. Welsh