Vom kleinen Maulwurf, der wissen wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hatte (Germany 2006)
A mole who is just getting out of his hole gets pooped on his head by an unidentified animal; he is certain that it doesn’t belong to him and sets out on a mission to discover whom it does belong to. The animals he runs into all poop to show what theirs looks like, and finally the mole receive… Full summary
A mole who is just getting out of his hole gets pooped on his head by an unidentified animal; he is certain that it doesn’t belong to him and sets out on a mission to discover whom it does belong to. The animals he runs into all poop to show what theirs looks like, and finally the mole receives some assistance from some flies who help him identify whodunit: Jean-Roger (Basil in the English translation) the butcher’s dog. The mole exacts his revenge by pooping on the dog’s head, and returns to his hole happily.
- Director: Werner Holzwarth
- Writer: Werner Holzwarth
- Cast & Crew: Werner Holzwarth, Wolf Erlbruch
- Cast & Crew: Werner Holzwarth, Wolf Erlbruch