Wie liebst Du? (Germany 2014)
Mystery, Romance, Thriller 13 min English (sub), German
A young man mets the women of his dreams, but does she really fulfilled his desire?
A young man mets the women of his dreams, but does she really fulfilled his desire?
- Director: Patrick Suite
- Writer: Patrick Suite
- Cast & Crew: Berny Kloos, Dimitri Eirich, Dirk Radzieja, Felix Hoefner, Johannes Vogelmann, Martin Wicke, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Berny Kloos, Chris Bucanac, Dimitri Eirich, Dirk Radzieja, Felix Hoefner, Johannes Vogelmann, Martin Wicke, Miriam Meiser, Niklas Geller, Rouvne Hupp