Tag: user submissions
Our first week
One week ago we launched shortfil.ms, the new platform to watch the web’s best short films. This first week has been great: A lot of people told us that they love our new site, the discovery tool and our curation of short films. Some also tweeted and blogged already about us or shared shortfil.ms with their friends via Facebook and so on. We really appreciate your kind words, tweets and shares!
Furthermore we received our first user submissions this week. Thanks to all of you and especially to HerrK (@CholeriK) and Michael (@Amujan) who submitted the first one – »Wanderers« – which became the most popular short film in our catalog within a few days. If you want to suggest a film for shortfil.ms, check out our submission form. User submissions are credited to the users who submitted them and include a link back to their blog or website (see David’s submission »Tell« for example). Thank you for making shortfil.ms better along with us!
Please keep on getting the word out about shortfil.ms and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr. Don’t keep it secret and share the shorts!