I M Possible (USA 2014)
Match winner Christopher has spent a year of his life in a wheelchair after a disastrous accident. But after a frustrating spell of sedentariness; he is now determined to play basketball again on his disabled legs. A grueling challenge awaits him on the court.
“Nothing is Impossible because the word itself says I’m possible” – Audrey Hepburn. How true! I experienced it through the life of my father, a great sportsman. Though he played Cricket his entire life, he was passionate about all forms of sport. Even after a tragic accident which left his body paralyzed; his passion & love for sports didn’t diminish. Medically his condition was incurable, but still he had the grit to withstand it and wanted to make the impossible, possible. I sensed that it was the sportsman spirit in him which gave him the strength to withstand every adversary. This heart rending experience left me with the desire to unfold my thesis film I M POSSIBLE. I M Possible aims to the audiences who ‘never say die’. I hope this film encourages all to explore our passion and give strength to live in any challenging situation.
“Destiny Awaits” by Alex Previty
- Director: Prasad Kamalakar Narse
- Writer: Prasad Kamalakar Narse
- Cast & Crew: AB Bobby J Osborne, Alex Previty, Alexis List, Allen Mc Enroy, Amanda Ranfroe, Ayan Akbar, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: AB Bobby J Osborne, Adriana Manrique, Alex Previty, Alexis List, Allen Mc Enroy, Amanda Ranfroe, Ayan Akbar, Beau Jimenez, Brandon Clements, Dan Furlow, Majd Alrosan, Michael Mincey, Monika Gelbmann, Muntsetkhetseg Nandigjav, Nelio Naut, Nicholas Zabolotnyi, Prasad Narse, Renshan Wu, Sarah Boutwell, Sonali Satsangi, Soumitra Goswami