Mademoiselle Nimsi (Czech Republic 2012)
Drama, Experimental, Mystery 3 min Universal
If your mind is a box, would you want to open it? Watch this cleanly amnesiac exercising in her apartment. Routines increase as time passes. But what is wrong with the door? Mademoiselle Nimsi shows us the peace of mind in a situation that might stress others.
If your mind is a box, would you want to open it? Watch this cleanly amnesiac exercising in her apartment. Routines increase as time passes. But what is wrong with the door? Mademoiselle Nimsi shows us the peace of mind in a situation that might stress others.
- Director: Dave Lojek
- Writer: Camille Demoures, Dave Lojek
- Cast & Crew: APEIRON FILMS, Camille Demoures, Dave Lojek, Tomas Ton
- Cast & Crew: APEIRON FILMS, Camille Demoures, Dave Lojek, Tomas Ton