Masterpiece (USA 2018)
Documentary 5 min English
In 2017, Agnes Gund sold Roy Lichtenstein’s ‘Masterpiece’ to start the Art for Justice Fund. The initiative aims to turn art into action, investing in strategic efforts to reform the criminal justice system. artforjusticefund.org
Commissioned by The Getty Museum on the occasion of their 2018 Getty Medal to Agnes Gund for her lifelong dedication to philanthropy and the arts. getty.edu/about/whatwedo/medal.html
- Director: Matthew Miller
- Cast & Crew: Adam Russell, Andy Hensler, Brent Kiser, Corey Deckler, Dan Butler, Daniella Berg, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Adam Russell, Ali Helnwein, Andy Hensler, Brent Kiser, Corey Deckler, Dan Butler, Daniella Berg, Ian Chase, Jake Lazovick, Jesse Krimes, Jett Steiger, Lana Kim, Matt Martin, Matthew Miller, Michael Klein, Oisin O'Driscoll, Richard Smith, Roy Lichtenstein, Russell Craig, Sam Wootton, Steph Max, Steven Blevins, The Mill, Tim Preston, Zach Michaliszyn