Mit Du (Germany 2013)
Comedy, Drama, Romance 24 min English (sub), German
Chrissy and George – two 40-ish, city dwelling singels. He a musician. She a cook. Neither of them where they thought they would be at this stage of their lives. And now, long in the tooth, and after too long on the shelf, they have little reason to believe in „Happy Ever After“. It would be a shared cigarette in a rest home car park that brings them together. A cigarette that would lead to a night of passion. Chrissy and George decide to give love one last shot. A shared apartment, shared plans, a shared life. Perfect. Until one day there is a knock at the door. Standing there, 3 strangers, all set to move in with them. And once settled in, they do their best to burst the romantic bubble Chrissy and George call home.
- Director: Aleksandar Jovanovic
- Writer: Aleksandar Jovanovic
- Cast & Crew: Aleksandar Jovanovic, Anja Klein, Anna Jäger, Christian Datum, Christoph Blaser, Christoph Grunert, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Aleksandar Jovanovic, Andrea Picht, Anja Klein, Anna Jäger, Christian Datum, Christoph Blaser, Christoph Grunert, Clelia Sarto, Elias Struck, Floriane Daniel, Gudrun Roscher, Horst Riediger, Jan Mikoleit, Jana Posth, Joseph Bolz, Lukas Lücke, Mareike Böttcher, Margarethe Hausstätter, Marija Jovanovic, Matthew Cutts, Nadja Raweh, Nilz Bokelberg, Rebecca Jefferson, Ruben Reniers, Sarah Mohaupt, Stefan Epmeier, Steffen Kahles, Sven Taddicken