Outside (Canada 2016)
Bing, an indoor cat with a bell around his neck, dreams of chasing the birds he sees flying by outside.
Bing, an indoor cat with a bell around his neck, dreams of chasing the birds he sees flying by outside.
- Director: PH & Ben
- Writer: PH & Ben
- Cast & Crew: Alexandra Quesnel, Benoit Therriault, Birgit Neil, Camilo Guaman Gonzalez, Carla Avila Corella, Carlos Valcárcel, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Alexandra Quesnel, Alexandre Jose De Moraes Assumpcao, Benoit Therriault, Birgit Neil, Camilo Guaman Gonzalez, Carla Avila Corella, Carlos Valcárcel, Charles De Gagné, Christopher Hebert, Cristin Barghiel, David St-amant, Edward Lam, Françoise Girard, Gabriel Grenier, Gaël Jacques, Guillaume Combeaud, Guillaume Laferrière, Hakim Harrouche, Heïdi Caron, Hélène Roux-bordage, Janet Fraser, Jean-françois Primeau, Jeff Wagner, John Mariella, Jonathan Pépin Gagné, Kim Davidson, Macbeth Therriault, Marie-ève Gagnon, Michael Coutu, Michael Goldfarb, Michiel Hagedoom, Mikhail Semionov, Nadia Khiali, Ph, Ph & Ben, Philippe Sylvain, Pierre Dallaire, Pierre-hugues Dallaire, Renaud Cote, Richard Hamel, Sabrina Gendron, Sach Baylin-stern, Sylvain Lebeau, Thomas Michael