Spectators (UK 2013)
‘Spectators’ is an observational animation that inverts the expected focus of a football match, turning attention to those on the periphery. The film investigates social interaction and human behaviour, revealing the diversity of character found among football spectators, which can often become … Full summary
‘Spectators’ is an observational animation that inverts the expected focus of a football match, turning attention to those on the periphery. The film investigates social interaction and human behaviour, revealing the diversity of character found among football spectators, which can often become obscured by the mass.
- Director: Ross Hogg
- Writer: Ross Hogg
- Cast & Crew: Brian Cairns, Marc Baines, Robbie Gunn, Sun Dogs, Susan Roan
- Cast & Crew: Brian Cairns, Marc Baines, Robbie Gunn, Sun Dogs, Susan Roan