Teddy Bears Are For Lovers – EXTENDED CUT (USA 2016)
A short horror comedy following a 20-something Casanova who becomes haunted by the teddy bears he gave to his ex-girlfriends.
A short horror comedy following a 20-something Casanova who becomes haunted by the teddy bears he gave to his ex-girlfriends.
- Director: Almog Avidan Antonir
- Writer: David Ernesto Vendrell
- Cast & Crew: Almog Antonir, David Caprita, David Ernesto Vendrell, H. Nelson Tracey, Harold Huggerson, Heston Horwin, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Almog Antonir, Chase Cargill, David Caprita, David Ernesto Vendrell, H. Nelson Tracey, Harold Huggerson, Heston Horwin, Jodi Carol Harrison, Jodi Harrison, John F. Thomas, Ken Ashton, Laura Semin, Marie Oldenbourg, Matt Hawksworth, Matthew Hawksworth, Phil Miller, Raptor House Effects, Ryan Dayhoff, The Royal Adventure Society