The Secret Of Tatooine (France 2016)
Fan Film, Science Fiction 12 min English (sub), French
Obiwan Kenobi is exiled on Tatooine to watch over the young Luke Skywalker. His mission will be complicated when the young boy leaves alone in the desert in pursuit of the Tuskens. By saving him, Obiwan stirred up the curiosity of a bounty hunter and troops of the empire. Will the Knight Jedi succeed in preserving his identity while protecting Luke?
- Director: Jordan Inconstant
- Writer: Jordan Inconstant
- Cast & Crew: Anna Mejuto Capdevilla, Bruno Choël, Carlos Navarro Belenguer, Caroline Zucca, Chloé Legendre, Christophe Legendre, … Full cast & crew
- Cast & Crew: Anna Mejuto Capdevilla, Benjamin Grisel, Bruno Choël, Carlos Navarro Belenguer, Caroline Zucca, Chloé Legendre, Christophe Legendre, Cyril Cole, David Berrocoso Salmeron, Didier Forest, Elric Lefeuvre, Frédéric Le Martelot, Gautier Del Pia, George Lucas, Gilbert Tycle, Ivan Garcia Navarro, Jeremy Pennarubia, John Williams, Jonathan Corinus, Jordan Inconstant, Kevian Legros, Lisa Quinn, Loïc Repiquet, Lorenzo Pancino, Luka Quinn, Marc Bellier, Mateus Grasso, MI STUDIO, Mickael Plasse, Moisés Rejano Arjona, Nicolas Dubois, Nicolas Fournelle, NJ Créations, Patrick Noérie, Sebastian Gaudin, Stephane Girondeaud, Thibéry Maillard, Walt Disney