Into the Wood ( 2017)

11 min

Into the Wood is an absurd comedy about a man who sends himself into exile because society no longer accepts his strongly-held comedic beliefs. Okay, fine, I’ll stop beating around the proverbial bush. It’s about a man who moves to a cabin in the middle of the woods so he can tell dick j… Full summary

Into the Wood is an absurd comedy about a man who sends himself into exile because society no longer accepts his strongly-held comedic beliefs. Okay, fine, I’ll stop beating around the proverbial bush. It’s about a man who moves to a cabin in the middle of the woods so he can tell dick jokes without being judged by society. It’s all a giant metaphor (or an allegory, if Plato would not be offended by us calling it such) of course. What that metaphor is – well, we’ll let the viewer decide.

  • Director: Justin Malone
  • Writer: Barry Overton, Matt League
  • Cast & Crew: Barry Overton, Justin Malone, Matt League, Zach Bush
  • Cast & Crew: Barry Overton, Justin Malone, Matt League, Zach Bush

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