Triangles of Happiness ( 2014)

, 14 min , , ,

Triangles of Happiness is a hyper-realistic comedy about the financial crisis, facades and family life. Hanne and Carsten are desperately trying to keep up with the illusion of a happy family life to their nosy neighbors. They used to be just like everyone else in suburbia, but the financial crisis … Full summary

Triangles of Happiness is a hyper-realistic comedy about the financial crisis, facades and family life. Hanne and Carsten are desperately trying to keep up with the illusion of a happy family life to their nosy neighbors. They used to be just like everyone else in suburbia, but the financial crisis hit the family hard. But how do you keep up with the illusion of a happy life in times of crisis. Financial crisis.

  • Director: Jannik Dahl Pedersen
  • Writer: Mie Skjoldemose Jakobsen
  • Cast & Crew: Alfred Meibom, Ann-Mari Max Hansen, Annette Averhoff, Christian Winther Bergstrøm, Henriette Kræmer, Iben Dorner, … Full cast & crew
  • Cast & Crew: Alfred Meibom, Anja Håskjold Christensen, Ann-Mari Max Hansen, Annette Averhoff, Christian Winther Bergstrøm, Henriette Kræmer, Iben Dorner, Isac Hessellund, Jan Warborg Hansen, Jesper Riefensthal, Katrine Scamuzzi, Lauge Wittus Johnsen, Lonnie Jøhnk, Loui Ladegaard, Lukas Madsen Brandt, Maria Stokholm, Martin Klein Sørensen, Mathias Bjørnskov, Mathilde Kjær Bang, Mie Skjoldemose, Mikkel Sigsgaard, Nanna Lykke, Palle Schmidt, Sebastian Gerdes, Simon Reinke Oxholmmixer, Theis Madsen, Thomas Magnussen, Tobias Bendixen, Troels Mikkelsen

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