Wurst ( 2014)

, 6 min ,

A sophisticated white sausage wants to enjoy her bottle of Chardonnay on the beach, but her plans are ruined by the raunchy meat around her. It’s like Baywatch with sausages.

A sophisticated white sausage wants to enjoy her bottle of Chardonnay on the beach, but her plans are ruined by the raunchy meat around her. It’s like Baywatch with sausages.

  • Director: Carlo Vögele
  • Cast & Crew: Bernhard Haux, Cedric Kennel, Guillaume Chartier, Isabelle Andrivet, Kenny Pickett, Lyn Vogele Filip Floetotto, … Full cast & crew
  • Cast & Crew: Bernhard Haux, Cassandra Smolcic, Cedric Kennel, Guillaume Chartier, Isabelle Andrivet, Kenny Pickett, Lyn Vogele Filip Floetotto

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